Tips For Making Money With Your Dump Truck

Most people would not consider purchasing a dump truck, but if you are an experienced truck driver with the proper licensing, owning a dump truck can lead to making a lucrative side income or even creating your own small business. Dump trucks are used for all sorts of different things, but few companies and even fewer individuals have easy access to one. That means that you can leverage the fact that you have a dump truck available to make cash. Simply having a dump truck will not translate into money, but if you are willing to work hard and be a little bit creative, the cash will follow. Use the following tips to make money with your dump truck.

Connect With Those Supplying Landscaping Materials

One way to make money with your dump truck is by contacting local landscaping suppliers in your area. These companies typically provide rocks, gravel, dirt, and other types of landscaping materials to customers. Since these items are usually bought in large amounts, they need to be delivered with a dump truck. Even if a landscaping supplier already owns a dump truck, it is not uncommon for these types of companies to contract with independent operators to fulfill orders when they are particularly busy, or none of their dump trucks are available to make a delivery.

Talk to General Contractors and Builders

If you have ever been to a building site or seen a home being gutted and renovated, you know that these types of projects generate a lot of debris. If you already have a dump truck and want to make extra money, talk to general contractors and builders in the surrounding area. You can likely make a deal to visit construction or renovation sites on a regular basis to pick up and dispose of debris, keeping the area clean. If you want to increase new business, you may want to offer a discount on your services or offer a flat fee for a predetermined number of pickups.

Rent or Lease Out Your Dump Truck

In the event that you don't have time to use your dump truck to take care of jobs on your own, you may want to consider renting or leasing out your dump truck to a company or an individual who only needs a dump truck for a short amount of time. If you opt to do this, always make sure that the person who will be operating your dump truck is properly licensed and is carrying the proper insurance. 

For more information, contact a company like Bobby Hoelscher Trucking Inc.
